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ISRC Codes for All Music Tracks

221B Baker Street
ISRC: QZMEM2310625
30 Second Trailer #1 (Heavy)
ISRC: QZMEQ2264400
30 Second Trailer #2 (Noble)
ISRC: QZMEQ2264401
30 Second Trailer #3 (Dark to Light)
ISRC: QZMEQ2264402
30 Second Trailer #4 (Severe)
ISRC: QZMEQ2264403
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal
ISRC: QZMEQ2252428
A Winter's Tale
ISRC: QZMEQ2264204
ISRC: QZMEQ2264370
Achernar's Aviary
ISRC: QZMEQ2252423
Adrift in the Far Beyond
ISRC: QZMEQ2252419
ISRC: QZMEQ2264409
Afternoon in the Atrium
ISRC: QZMEQ2261599
ISCR: QZWFG2471379
Altar without an Answer
ISRC: QZMEQ2264199
Anthem of Adieu
ISRC: QZMEQ2264309
ISCR: QZWFQ2319905
Anunciación - Little Symphony 2, 2nd Mov
ISRC: QZK6H2302816
Approaching the Dark Tower
ISRC: QZMEQ2255365
Arcades of Yesteryear
ISRC: QZMEQ2264408
ISRC: QZMEQ2261597
Arturo's Breakfast
ISRC: QZMEQ2264280
ISCR: QZFZ22587804
At This Dark Stage
ISRC: QZMEQ2252425
Aurora Nocturna
ISRC: QZMEQ2253592
Autumn Analogue
ISRC: QZMEQ2252426
Back Porch Blues
ISRC: QZMEQ2253532
Back Roads in the Afternoon
ISRC: QZMEQ2264311
ISRC: QZMEQ2264293
Ballad of the Happy Kleptokrats
ISRC: QZMEQ2264412
Beach Toys
ISCR: QZHNC2457559
Before the Race
ISRC: QZMEQ2264374
Blue Messenger
ISRC: QZMEQ2253536
Blue Pastoral
ISRC: QZMEQ2253587
Blues in the Days of the Orange King
IRSC: QZNWR2264816
Cada Minuto Cuenta - Every Minute Counts
ISCR: QZTB72388322
Call to Arms
ISRC: QZMEQ2264307
Captivity is Led Captive
ISRC: QZMEQ2253586
Careful There
ISRC: QZMEQ2253534
Caribbean Night
ISRC: QZMEQ2264284
Caribbean Sunrise
ISRC: QZMEQ2264278
Castle Carbonek
ISCR: QZWFK2400417
Chapel on the Green
ISRC: QZMEQ2255366
ISRC: QZMEQ2264297
Chicago or Bust
IRSC: QZMEQ2253531
Classical Fugue #1 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZMEQ2270075
Classical Fugue #2 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZMEQ2270076
Classical Fugue #3 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZMEQ2270077
Classical Fugue #4 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZMEQ2270078
Classical Fugue #5 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZMEQ2270079
Classical Invention #1 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200012
Cloud Conquerors
ISRC: QZMEQ2264372
Clueless Angels And Other Campfire Critters
ISRC: QZMEQ2264298
Comedy Groove and Kippers Too
ISRC: QZMEQ2253544
Contestant in the Long Walk
ISRC: QZMEQ2252422
Cooling Your Heels on Cloud Nine
ISRC: QZMEQ2264269
ISCR: QZFYY2456765
Cruisin' with the Vampires
ISRC: QZMEQ2264405
Cyber Sorrow and the Parade of Happiness
ISRC: QZMEQ2252418
Cyberpunk Nocturne
ISRC: QZMEQ2252424
Death of the Little Match-seller
ISRC: QZMEQ2264261
Doom of the Dragon Slayer
ISRC: QZMEQ2255364
Dystopian Dithyramb
ISRC: QZMEQ2252420
El Tarantino
ISCR: QZTB62313480
Elaine's Lament
ISCR: QZHN42455458
Elegy For A Family
ISRC: QZMEQ2264289
Elegy for the First Fallen
ISRC: QZMEQ2255367
Emphyrio (Brass Trio 1)
ISRC: QZMEQ2261598
Entering the Lair
ISRC: QZMEQ2255368
Ex Machina
IRSC: QZNWR2264822
Ex Machina - First Part
ISCR: QZTBB2372984
Fanfare Fugue
ISRC: QZMEP2228352
Fanfare for Josquin
ISRC: QZMEP2228349
Fanfare for the Underdog
ISRC: QZMEQ2253545
Fashion or Fetish
ISRC: QZMEQ2264373
Fate, Not Destiny
ISRC: QZMEQ2261602
Fironzelle's Golden Conceit
ISCR: QZFZ62565141
Flowers and Grass and Cloudless Sky
ISRC: QZMEQ2264377
Follow the White Rabbit
ISRC: QZMEQ2252416
Funeral March for Puck and Peaseblossom
ISRC: QZMEQ2264196
Gaelic Dusk
ISRC: QZMEQ2264312
Gentle Men
ISRC: QZMEQ2253541
ISRC: QZHNC2315652
Going Post-truth
IRSC: QZNWR2264821
Guinevere and Lancelot
ISCR: QZWFP2465625
Hark! Ye Hypocrites of Holy Writ!
ISRC: QZMEP2228351
Havana Nocturne
ISRC: QZMEQ2264282
Headin' South on Highway One
ISRC: QZMEQ2264285
Highland Highway
ISRC: QZMEQ2264371
Holiday Shimmer and Shine
ISRC: QZMEQ2264410
Homage to Prog
ISRC: QZMEQ2264316
Ice Cream Trucks Unite!
ISRC: QZMEQ2264376
Ignored in Front of the Store
ISRC: QZMEQ2264414
Inside the Castle of Macbeth
ISRC: QZMEQ2264198
Into Mirkwood
ISCR: QZHN82438998
Jazz Fugue #1 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200008
Jazz Fugue #2 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200002
Jazz Fugue #3 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200009
Jazz Fugue #4 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200010
Jazz Fugue #5 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200011
Jazz Fugue #6 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200006
Jazz Fugue #7 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200007
Jazz Invention #1 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200004
Jazz Prelude #1 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200003
Jazz Prelude #2 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200001
Jazz Prelude #3 for Keyboard
ISRC: QZV622200005
Juliet Capulet
ISCR: QZTB22356322
Jupiter In The Ninth House
ISCR: QZWFS2456482
Kehaar Comes To Watership Down
ISRC: QZMEN2389710
ISCR: QZZ792488043
La Calle Oscura
ISCR: QZDA72410450
La Resistencia
ISRC: QZMEQ2264290
Lady Macbeth
ISCR: QZWFM2375230
Lament of the Vanquished
ISRC: QZMEQ2264262
Little Symphony 1 Le Morte D'Arthur 1st mov - Remastered
ISRC: Coming Soon
Little Symphony 1 Le Morte D'Arthur 2nd mov
ISRC: QZDA52378359
Little Symphony 1 Le Morte D'Arthur 3rd mov
ISRC: QZDA52378360
Little Symphony 3 - 1st Mov - Nienor - Remastered
ISRC: Coming Soon
Little Symphony 3 - 2nd Mov - Túrin Turambar
ISRC: QZTAX2313103
Lord Valentine's Castle
ISCR: QZES92501289
Lost in a Latter-day Labyrinth
ISRC: QZMEQ2252427
Louisiana Heist
ISRC: QZMEQ2253535
Lullaby for Advancing Machines
ISRC: QZK6G2346956
Lúthien's Lament
ISCR: QZZ7M2458586
Madrigal (A Cappella)
ISRC: QZMEQ2261603
Malcolm Martin Muhammad
ISRC: QZMEQ2264295
Meander into Sublimation
ISRC: QZMEQ2264263
Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy - Little Symphony 2, 1st Mov
ISRC: QZK6M2353466
Merlin and Nimue
ISCR: QZDA52532140
Miami Solitude
ISRC: QZMEQ2264283
Midnight in the Monastery
ISRC: QZNWX2327199
Midsummer's Night in the Woods
ISRC: QZMEQ2264195
Mississippi Grace
ISRC: QZMEQ2253547
Morning at Mpala (A Wildlife Watering Hole)
ISRC: QZMEQ2264413
My Budding Apostate
ISRC: QZMEQ2264375
New York November
ISRC: QZMEQ2253537
Night March of the Sunflowers
ISRC: QZMEQ2264406
ISCR: QZZ7V2498867
No List No Face No God
IRSC: QZNWR2264820
IRSC: QZNWR2264819
Nocturne on Naos 4
ISRC: QZMEQ2252429
Odyssey on the Avenue
ISRC: QZMEQ2264313
One Minute Trailer 1 (Heavy to Tranquil)
ISRC: QZMEQ2264404
Oneironaut at Journey's End
ISRC: QZMEQ2264265
ISCR: QZTB92348433
Ophelia's End
ISRC: QZMEQ2264201
Ornette Ornette
ISRC: QZMEQ2253588
Our King Lear of the Cul-de-sac
ISRC: QZMEQ2253540
Pan Comes to the Midnight Clearing
ISRC: QZMEQ2264203
Path to the Hidden Gate
ISRC: QZMEQ2255370
Playa Mazunte
ISRC: QZMEQ2264291
Prelude to Paradise Lost
ISRC: QZMEQ2264194
Prelude to an Epiphany
ISRC: QZMEQ2261604
Premonition in the Park
ISRC: QZMEQ2264378
Private Infinities
ISCR: QZFZ72424842
Psalm for Solaris
ISRC: QZMEQ2252421
Pursuits in the Forest of Arden
ISRC: QZMEQ2264202
Race for Your Life
ISRC: QZMEQ2264416
Rain on the Windowpane
ISRC: QZMEQ2264411
Raise Your Hands and Praise
ISRC: QZMEQ2253542
Reaching the Summit
ISRC: QZMEQ2264379
Reality Check
IRSC: QZNWR2264814
Regal Promenade
ISRC: QZMEQ2264200
Remember Arrakis
ISRC: QZHN72369337
Replicants in the Rain
ISCR: QZTB42311568
Return of the Raven King
ISRC: QZMEQ2261600
Rhyming With Goodbye
ISRC: QZMEQ2253593
Ruins in the Forest
ISRC: QZMEQ2255373
Saigon Saturdays
ISRC: QZDA52378369
Sailing to San Juan
ISRC: QZMEQ2264281
ISCR: QZWFG2375914
Salsa Serenade
ISRC: QZMEQ2264288
Seasonal Disorder
IRSC: QZNWR2264818
Self-portrait in Spring
ISRC: QZMEQ2253589
Self-portrait in Three Shades of Blue
ISRC: QZMEQ2253590
Self-portrait in Ultramarine
ISRC: QZMEQ2253591
Seoul's Cyber Psalm
ISRC: QZMEQ2252415
ISRC: QZMEQ2264369
Shakti's Urgent Return
ISRC: QZMEQ2264305
Sidereal Soliloquy
ISRC: QZMEQ2252430
Signos Vitales
ISCR: QZK6P2460293
Siluetas de Arabia
ISCR: QZES52444745
Sorrow's Simple Sonata
ISRC: QZMEQ2264267
Steampunk Punk
ISRC: QZMEQ2264308
Sunday in the City
ISRC: QZMEQ2253539
Sunrise at the Seat of Seeing
ISRC: QZMEQ2255374
Sunrise at the White Citadel
ISRC: QZMEQ2255369
Sway Sweat and Swoon
ISRC: QZMEQ2264310
Take It and Run
ISRC: QZMEQ2264407
The Abyss
ISRC: QZMEQ2252417
The Bard of Camelot
ISRC: QZHN32323212
The Big Day is Here
ISRC: QZMEQ2264314
The Books Of Jack Vance
ISRC: QZMEQ2264296
The Club of Fleeting Youth
ISRC: QZMEQ2264315
The Constant Criminal
ISRC: QZMEQ2253546
The End of Wrath
ISRC: QZMEP2228355
The Eternal Recurrence of Joseph K
ISRC: QZMEQ2264306
The Fisher King
ISCR: QZES92445895
The Grave and Constant
ISRC: QZMEQ2264266
The Grey Havens
ISCR: QZWFM2429129
The Haradrim
ISCR: QZZ7Q2440589
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