Beethoven's Piano Trios, Opus 1, was dedicated to his patron, Prince Karl Lichnowsky, who supported the then young composer with a 600 florin annuity and paid for the publication of the Piano Trios. Thelonious Monk named his jazz classic, Pannonica, after the Rothschild heir, the Baroness Pannonica de Koenigswarter, who had funded his performances and even gone to jail for him. I don't claim to be anywhere near the exalted league of Monk and Beethoven, and most likely you yourself are neither a Prince nor a Baroness, but together we can still perhaps bring into this world a piece of music that will last.
Here is an example of one of my unique and well-thought of (1.) jazz fugues for solo piano. It is dedicated to a great friend of mine.

So How Do Commissions Work?
Commissions can be for either a classical piece or a jazz piece; you will decide. The commissioned piece will be for solo piano/keyboard, or for a small ensemble of two or three instruments. I will have complete freedom to compose the piece as I see fit. I will attempt to finish the piece in 6 weeks, but I will guarantee that it will be finished in 6 months. I will have the right to make corrections to the piece after it is finished. The piece will be of a comparable duration to the pieces on my album American Fugue. Your name, following the words "dedicated to", will appear on the sheet music score of the piece beneath the title. Your name, with a similar dedication, will also appear on the piece's download page, specifically in the piece's short description (next to an album cover image, if/when the piece belongs to an album). Your name, with the words "dedicated to", will also appear on a music video of the piece which I will upload to my Ifness Free Music YouTube channel. The finished audio track of the commissioned piece will, like the rest of my music on this website, be licensed for free use in public projects as according to the Creative Commons License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The sheet music score of the piece will not be licensed through the Creative Commons, but will rather remain under my full copyright. Upon completion of the commissioned piece, you will receive a PDF sheet music version of the piece as well as a WAV file and MP3 file of the piece. If you would like an autographed physical copy of the sheet music version, you will have to pay for the shipping costs, in addition to the cost of the commission.
For classical pieces, I charge $400 (US). For jazz pieces, I charge $500 (as they are more difficult to compose; often, while writing one, I'm in uncharted territory). Payment, through Paypal, must be made in full before I start work on the commissioned piece.
To commission a classical or jazz piece, please contact me directly at If you wish to commission a larger work (for a larger fee), contact me as above, and describe what kind of piece you would like to commission.
1. One notoriously harsh critic, re-peat (a member on the composers' forum, VI Control), wrote the following concerning my collection of jazz fugues and preludes: "These are rrrrrrreally good . . . Among the best things I heard online in quite some time."